So here's my list of projects to finish this year:
Seven Deadly sins collection
Beginner's Handbook- instructional manual
The King and the Dragon - tatting pattern book [started almost THREE years ago!]
Gothic cross necklace - to replace one lost- for my sister
Write up the pattern for tatted feathers
Change purse for m-i-l
Dragon face balaclava for bonus-nephew
Baby blanket for Rhydian
Los Pequeños Relojos de la Arena socks [I have one done...]
2010 yarn block swap [4 blocks/month]
Winter arm warmers
Dragon plushie
Other crafts:
Sewn cloak for brother
Chain maille dice bag for friend R
And I'm sure there's a few things I'm forgetting. Oh my, what a list! I'd better get started...
You best get started. I am like you always putting off. I try not to beat myself up too much. Good Luck with your New Year's Resolutions. I'm rooting for ya.