To join the free online tatting classes, send your name, email address, home town and country to The regular class meets on Mondays 3 and 8:30pm ET (New York time.) The beginners class meets on Thursdays 3 and 9 pm ET. The question and answer session and needle tatting is at 2:30 and 8PM ET (1/2 hour before the regular class.) There is also a Spanish speaking class on Saturdays with Wally Sosa.
You may recognize this star pattern from this post. Georgia asked me to make it available for her class, so as a bonus you all get it too. I simplified it a bit, specifically the way the colors work, so hopefully it's not too confusing for anyone.
Here's the pdf:
[link removed; see below]
I was a bit rushed with this one, so if anyone finds any mistakes or has problems please let me know.
[ETA: There was indeed some issues with this pattern. See post here for more info.]